July 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

porn revenge: "punished" ex-partner for leaving him

A 30-year-old resident of Volos created fake Facebook profiles with the name of his former lady of the heart and made romantic dates with just anyone. Thus, he decided to punish the obstinate woman who “dared to leave him.”

The man created three fake accounts in her name, in which a 35-year-old young woman posed as a professional looking for partners to provide sex services. The scoundrel sent messages to his friends and acquaintances, posing as her, while the content was an “invitation” to sexual relations. He not only posted photos from her Facebook profile, but also personal material from her mobile phone (which he had saved from their short relationship). From that moment on, the woman’s life turned into a nightmare, writes in.gr.

A young woman, a mother of one child, began to receive strange messages on her mobile phone. She lived in a “nightmare” from which she did not know how to get rid of. At some point, she found out that her phone was posted in the public domain on Facebook on a page where she (!) allegedly searches for “sex for money.”

According to gegonota.news, the lady went to the police, the young man was arrested and taken to court. At the same time, it is noted that the criminal court of Volos sentenced the perpetrator of Revenge porn man to 54 months in prison. He was charged with: insult, threats, slander and dissemination of personal data without the consent of the other party. However, he did not show up for his trial in 2019. His side was represented by a lawyer.

The current session was held in the Court of Appeal of Larisa. The victim described the shock she experienced when acquaintances and friends called her, reporting what they saw on Facebook. They called to find out what exactly happened to her, and she did not know what to answer them. Then they told her about the profile they saw, and everything became clear. The fact that this was the work of her former partner became clear, because he, despite the fact that he “blocked” her, wrote obscene things about her on the walls of the house.

The accused did not appear at the regular court session, which took place yesterday, 02/23/2023, to apologize. However, he was represented by a lawyer who claimed that his client did not create fake profiles, but he was never able to convince the court of this. The man was sentenced to 11 months probation for defamation and dissemination of personal data without consent, and the statute of limitations expired on charges of insult and threats.

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