July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Life sentence given to shooter who killed 10 people motivated by racial hatred

19-year-old Patron Gendron, accused of killing 10 people and injuring 13 others last May in the city of Buffalo on the basis of racial hatred, was sentenced to life in prison without parole by a New York court.

His brutal crime, with the help of a camera on the helmet, he broadcast live. Our publication wrote about it incident. The guy opened fire as soon as he got out of his car in the supermarket parking lot. The reason for the massacres was racial hatred, although the first victim was a white woman. For about a minute, the killer shot people near the entrance to the supermarket, and then continued to ruthlessly kill inside it, making control shots. Stephen Belongia, FBI representative in Buffalo, noted at the time:

“We are investigating this incident as a hate crime and as a case of racially motivated violent extremism.”

During the preliminary investigation, it was established that Gendron spent several hours on the road to arrive in this particular area, where many black people live. During the shooting, he shouted racial slurs at the victims.

Most of the dead and injured, according to Buffalo Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia, are African Americans. Among the victims is a retired police officer who worked at the store as a security guard. At the first shots, he tried to defend people and shot several times at the criminal as soon as he entered the supermarket. However, the guy was wearing a bulletproof vest, and with a return shot he hit the ex-policeman. After the police arrived at the scene, the shooter tried to resist, but then surrendered to law enforcement officers, laying down his weapon, and was detained.

During the tense trial, the judges listened to emotional testimonies from the victims’ relatives who expressed their pain and rage. After the verdict was passed, some again could not contain their anger, and the police hurriedly escorted the convicted person out of the hall.

Those who died, aged 20 to 86, were shoppers and store employees. The criminal bought the rifle legally, but the ammunition he used was not allowed for sale in the state of New York. An 18-year-old American shot dozens of black people in a supermarket while broadcasting the massacre live.

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