July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

"That’s what my dad did to me"…

The rape of a 4-year-old son and depraved acts against him with the help of … the child’s grandmother was committed by the father, filming what was happening on video.

Every time such actions that occur with children cause disgust and anger. But when the closest person, the father, becomes the offender, the mind simply refuses to understand how this is possible. This time, the victim of sick fantasies was a 4-year-old kid who spent his summer vacation with his grandmother and father.

After the boy returned home, his mother noticed that something was happening to him: he became withdrawn and refused to go to kindergarten, fearing that his father would take him away from there. The woman turned to a child psychologist, and only after several sessions of a specialist did the secret veil over what happened gradually begin to rise. The mother, who filed a complaint with law enforcement agencies accusing the child’s father of repeated rapes, says that the baby’s grandmother was also present:

“The human mind cannot understand what was done to my child. I’m waiting for justice for what this child went through, there are no words to express my feelings. Shock, up to bullying? They should be put in jail. He said he didn’t want to go to school because his father was going to pick him up.”

The woman, she said, experienced abuse from her ex-husband, but never expected it to happen to their son. Gradually, step by step, the kid told at the sessions of the psychologist that his father and grandmother beat him (the bruises remained on his face, head, thighs and genitals). In the “games”, according to the boy, “they played with dad and grandmother, it frightened him and did not like it.” Little by little, at each session, the picture cleared up, but everything that happens during the “summer vacation” is so terrible that it is better to omit the details so as not to shock the reader. Demonstrating some actions, the child explained: “That’s what my dad did to me.” However, everyone can get acquainted with the information in more detail by going to the publication page topontiki.gr.

The mother immediately applied to the authorities, and the prosecutor demanded that the child be examined by a medical examiner. The mother says: “He was closed in himself, the coroner did not want to touch him, they hurt my child, how could they?” The child described his rape, not understanding whether what he suffered was right or wrong:

“His actions and words are indicative of problematic sexual behavior. He is a child who does not seem to be guided by what he says, although he is at an age where he is easily influenced. However, he could not emotionally support what he says, as he did every time he described “games” with his father. He was angry that we did not understand what he showed us, as if he felt that we were interrogating him. The toddler knows no limits to touch, and sexual acts against him are described as acts that hurt him. He described “games” with his grandma and dad that he didn’t like and scared him. Using duct tape he found in the office, he showed how they tied his hands and feet for being a “bad boy” and taped his mouth to stop him from screaming. He also asked for a plastic bag from the ones in the office for the trash cans, opened it, blew it through his mouth, put it on his head, and then put it on his neck. He mentioned the phrase “red lipstick” and indicated that it was on a certain part of his body. He said that the grandmother put her lips there.

Telling her husband, the boy’s mother recalls, crying:

“This man did not show his true self. He seemed like a good person because he came from a good family. His father was a priest, his mother a nun. When I got pregnant, serious problems began … “.

The lawyer of the boy’s mother, Yannis Marakakis, notes that as a result of the examination of the child, it turned out that everything that he experienced was filmed on video:

“The case was referred to my office after three weeks of investigation to determine if what the child and his mother were saying was true. I was skeptical, I had doubts about what might actually be happening. We contacted the investigator, the necessary measures have been taken, electronic devices are being checked. The accusation also concerns pornography, besides this. Based on the mother’s complaint, the child was examined in the presence of a child psychologist, a social worker and investigators. What the child said, he said in front of the camera. There, it was found that the minor tenses up in front of the camera and asks if a camera is needed. Then they realized that they were showing “games” with their father on TV. This material was filmed and then shown. The reports are unequivocal that whatever the child testified to is his authentic experience.”

It remains to be added that the father of the child and his grandmother were brought to criminal responsibility, and their arrest is expected in the near future. They were charged with aggravated rape, sexual activity with a minor under 12, sexual activity between relatives and pornography. The case is at the stage of main inquiry. Other people are under investigation in this case…

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