July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

How to protect yourself: a mobile phone application has been created "Pocket Guide to Gender Violence"

The socio-legal digital application “Gender Violence Pocket Guide” was launched yesterday by the General Secretariat for Demographic and Family Policy and Gender Equality (GDOPIF) of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, and UNICEF Greece.

This new application provides guidance on how to properly interact with people who have experienced gender-based violence, useful tips and advice.

The Pocket Guide to Gender-Based Violence is based on international standards, available in more than 12 languages ​​and is provided free of charge.

It is a valuable tool that provides information and advice on ‘what to do’, ‘what to say’ and ‘what to avoid’ for anyone who comes into contact with people who have experienced gender-based violence.

This version of the guide in Greek is for the first time addressed to everyone: professionals (specialists and non-specialists) as well as the general public. It can be used both in emergencies and at any time deemed necessary..

Through this application, citizens can be informed about the network of GDOPIF structures that support women affected by violence or gender discrimination, as well as their minor children throughout the country. Specifically, the services that GDOPIF provides free of charge include 24-hour SOS 15900 telephone line, 44 counseling centers and 19 hotel hostels (for affected women, including those with children).

The Secretary-General for Demographic and Family Policy and Gender Equality, Ms Gula, said: “In the context of the implementation of the National Action Plan for Gender Equality 2021-2025, the Pocket Guide to Gender-Based Violence has been adapted for the Greek public with the aim of informing us all about ways combating incidents of gender-based violence. The phenomenon, alas, is present among us at any moment and with different people, and with the help of a pocket guide we can immediately get the necessary information and recommendations.

From UNICEF, Child Protection Specialist Ms. Antigoni Angelaki said: “It is with great pleasure that we launched today, together with GDOPIF, the Gender-Based Violence Pocket Guide, a tool whose ultimate goal is to better support people affected by gender-based violence. Any of us can come into contact with someone who has experienced gender-based violence, and it is very important to know what to do and what to avoid in such situations.”

The value of the application was also commented on by specialist psychologist Dr. Lisa Varvogli, highlighting its key features and usefulness for professionals in this field.

Learn more about the Gender Violence Pocket Guide here. You can also download the app for Android and iOS.

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