July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

"Go for snowdrops!": temperature record in January

According to the meteorological observatory, today’s winter temperatures in Greece are 15 degrees higher than have been observed in the past 10 years.

Particularly high minimum temperatures were recorded on Wednesday in the country, according to the network of automatic weather stations of the National Observatory of Athens/meteo.gr. Compared to average minimum January temperatures, today the thermometer showed up to 15 degrees higher readings.

The weather of a completely “non-winter” January was established due to the predominance of southerly winds and, as a result, the transfer of warm atmospheric masses to Greece, as well as the cloudiness that prevailed on the night of Tuesday, January 17 to Wednesday, January 18, which prevented the earth from cooling and the lower layers of the atmosphere, “wrapping a warm blanket” Hellas.

As follows from the early indicators of the Orestiada weather station, the average minimum January temperature for the period 2006-2021 is -0.7 ° C, and today, January 19, 2023, the thermometer showed + 14.4 ° C.

In Thessaloniki, the average minimum for January was 3.9 degrees, but the thermometer today did not fall below +15.5°C. In Florina, where this month’s average low is usually -3.4 degrees, today’s minimum temperature was +11.6°C. The discrepancies were also large in Larisa, with today’s low of +14.2°C (vs. historical average of 2.5°C), in Ioannina with +10.8°C (vs. -0.8°C), and in Tripoli with 10.6°С (against usual for the season -0.4°С).

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