July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

What will change in ticket prices for the metro, trams and city buses

The zonal fare system returns to the fore, according to which the price of a ticket for urban public transport will be proportional to the distance traveled by the passenger.

ΟΑΣΑ proposed to abolish the single ticket in public transport and replace it with a zonal system so that implement a new and fairer pricing regime for the services offered.

The zonal tolling system comes to the fore with the announcement of an international electronic public tender for the selection of a contractor who will prepare a study for the creation of the Attica Strategic Transport Plan for the period up to 2040. The Attica Transport Master Plan will result in a comprehensive framework of documented measures, actions and proposals that will define the structure, elements, characteristics and operation of the city’s transport system over the next twenty years.

With regard to the zonal tariff system, it is a new way of pricing tickets that will essentially be based on the distance traveled by each passenger. In other words, it is planned to create zones, each of which will have a different cost. Implementation of the system will lead to cheaper travel within the zone and more expensive tickets for long distances.

For example, a metro passenger who uses the means of travel for only 2-3 stations will pay a cheaper ticket compared to what he pays today (1.20 euros). However, for some long routes such as El. Venizelos, ticket prices may increase.

Remember, back in 2018 this proposal was considered by the authorities, but, as we see, it was not “brought to mind”. Now it’s time to implement the program to change the cost of travel, the introduction of zoning. The deadline for submission of proposals from bidders is set for January 30, 2023. In the very near future, a new fare collection system for urban public transport will be introduced.

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