July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Germany: A criminal took hostages in a shopping center

In a large shopping center in Dresden, an armed man is holding hostages, and a strong police force is at the scene of the incident.

According to Deutsche Welle, the police evacuated people from the Altmarktgalerie shopping center and closed the nearby Christmas market. Citizens are asked not to approach the dangerous area. The movement of transport, including public transport, has been completely stopped.

Radio Dresden reports that the perpetrator has not yet been detained. Newspaper Bild writes about one who died during the incident. However, the authorities refused to confirm or deny this, informs CNN Greece.

According to media reports, a man armed with a pistol shot and killed a woman on Saturday afternoon and barricaded himself in a Dresden shopping center in Germany. The tragedy occurred in the city center – near the central station, next to which the city radio station is located. From there, the suspect fled to a nearby mall and locked himself in one of the stores. It is not yet clear where exactly the murder of a woman took place – in the premises of a radio station or already in a shopping center.

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