July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Italy: collapsed … coffins with the dead

In the oldest cemetery in Naples, a building was destroyed, where coffins were placed in niches. This is the second such incident in a year.

At least ten coffins with the dead literally hung in the air when there was a partial collapse of a 4-story building in the Naples cemetery. The cause of the incident, according to experts, could be heavy rains. This is the second such incident this year and at the same cemetery, but no action has been taken since January. Relatives of the deceased held a protest action calling for attention to the condition of the cemeteries.

In January, the collapse of a building in another section of the Poggioreale cemetery in Naples destroyed some 200 burial niches. The wing of the building fell, many niches were damaged, and only in the morning the keepers of the cemetery discovered the collapse.

City police and firefighters were at the scene. As a result incident a three-story building near the oldest part of the cemetery was damaged, some coffins were damaged, and the corpses were “thrown out” from their last resting place.

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