July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Post of a girl doused with acid: rehabilitation continues, I do not give up

Joanna Paliospirou courageously continues her treatment in order to restore her health.

A young woman tries to continue her daily life surrounded by people who love her. Victim of a violent crimeshe was doused in Kallithea with sulfuric acid, allegedly by a rival), shares with her online friends moments of her difficult life, as well as the doctors’ attempt to repair the extensive damage to her face and body.

“I think you will not be offended by the fact that I flaunt “unsightly wounds”, something purely personal. I will show you another side, more real… and part of my life. The recovery continues, the doctors are nearby, and I do not give up. Thanks to my wonderful doctor Dr. Yannis Gouras and his staff,” she wrote in her new social media post.

In the photos she posted of Ioann Paliospirou, from her hospital room, follows the instructions of the doctors who pose with her during the examination.

Heart of the matter

In the metropolitan area of ​​Kallithea on May 20, 2020, there was a “showdown” between two women. One doused the other with sulfuric acid. At the same time, 34-year-old Joanna Paleospirou was admitted to the hospital in serious condition. Doctors diagnosed a chemical burn on 20% of the patient’s body. Law enforcement authorities immediately launched an investigation into the brutal attack, which was carried out for personal reasons. According to preliminary information, the attacker committed the crime out of hatred and jealousy. After some time court took place and the culprit ended up in jail.

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