July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Energoatom announced a complete shutdown of ZNPP

Tonight, at 03:41 on September 11, Zaporozhye NPP was completely disconnected from the power grid. Preparatory work is underway to transfer the sixth power unit to a cold state.

Energoatom explains that for the last three days it has been operating at a critically low power level (from 114 to 140 MW), providing only for ZNPP’s own needs. Because of the shelling damaged all communication lines of the Zaporozhye NPP with the energy system of Ukraine:

“On the evening of September 10, after the restoration of the operability of one of the communication lines for the ZNPP auxiliary power supply, it became possible to disconnect from the power system of Ukraine. Therefore, it was decided to turn off the power unit No. 6 and transfer it to the safest state – a cold shutdown. In the event of repeated damage to the communication lines with the energy system, the risk of which remains high, the ZNPP’s own needs will be supplied from diesel generators, the service life of which is limited by the technological resource and the volume of diesel fuel.”

Russia confirmed the shutdown of the sixth power unit of the Zaporizhzhya NPP. About this, as he writes “Country”Renat Karchaa, adviser to the head of the Rosenergoatom concern, told the Russian media: “The unit has been stopped, it is currently being transferred to a cold state.”

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