July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

The UN calculated the number of Ukrainian refugees: only 10 million, in European countries 6.3 million people

The United Nations reported on 3 August 10,350,489 Ukrainian refugees. The latest report from the Refugee Agency states:

“This is one of the biggest displacement crises since World War II, and by far the fastest.”

At least 6.3 million people live in European countries, of which about 3.7 million are officially registered as refugees. UN agency for refugees.

Approximately 5 million people fled the war to Poland, about a million – to Hungary, the same number to Romania and Germany. About 2 million people ended up in Russia, 471 thousand in Slovakia, 557 thousand Ukrainian refugees in Moldova. Since the end of February, more than 10.3 million Ukrainians, or about a quarter of the country’s population, have left their homes.

As our publication reported, from the end of August the citizens of Ukraine will be recognized tax residents European countries where they fled from the war. This means that by continuing to work remotely in Ukrainian companies, people will be forced to pay a double tax. And this doesn’t just apply to remote workers.

Those who receive transfers to bank cards or spend unreasonably much in a European country will also come to the attention of European fiscals. That is, Ukrainians risk falling under indirect control of spending – in the near future and without warning. At the moment, lawyers say, internally displaced persons have a high risk of tax residency in another country.

It is necessary to look for new solutions, taking into account military realities. Why this topic is not raised by the authorities of Ukraine and whether they will have time to change something by the beginning of the mass transition of Ukrainian refugees to European tax residency – the question remains open.

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