July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Seizure of democracy

The perceptible division of the nation (in the sense of the timeless identity of the Greek culture and people) becomes evident in every aspect of everyday political life in relation to a foreign state, which is literally treated as a foreign body, in terms of its institutional role as the helm and respect for the national sovereignty of our Motherland. .

It is obvious that our government officials as a whole express arbitrary and reversal immense hatred for everything Greek (language, history, culture, education) and act as non-national mouthpieces of the ruling class of globalization, completely ignoring the acute and limitless problems of living and current reality.

This was made clear by the celebration of the supposed restoration of democracy, which seemed more like a tawdry aesthetic and practical device of the “riotous” nouveau riches than a supposedly institutional tribute to the supposed restoration of parliamentarism.

Such a modern (i.e. current politicians’) perception of democracy does not give it its proper status as a political concept that is open to eternal evolution and is oriented towards improvement solutions with comprehensive sacrifices on the part of citizens and politicians as an example. But on the contrary, the prevailing version is that the democracy of a privileged caste, appointed from above, is an unseemly tool and springboard, with the help of which day laborers from departments can occupy key state institutions and positions.

The enemy of democracy is institutional violence and sometimes a coup d’etat, the arbitrariness of state institutions against the people and the nation, which is the most common and constant phenomenon of our day, and in all directions.

The enemy of the current state is, directly and unequivocally, the nation and the people, despite the fact that the constitution establishes the aforementioned capital concepts in order to lay the foundations of a de facto democratic state, which is formed in time on the basis of the sovereignty of the people, and not Italian contempt for him.

Today, in fact, the people are treated as intellectually ignorant or, otherwise, as an intellectually castrated watery mass, which, disoriented from critical thinking, becomes irreversibly and causally easily manipulated by the ruling class of the institutional elite.

The aforementioned painful and dangerous mentality, namely, that the state is patronized by a certain caste of people who are defiantly indifferent and little delve into the living problems of the nation, people and society. We realized this during the solemn event for the restoration of democracy, which was held in the presence of the people and at a time when Greece was in the midst of a fiery conflagration.

The blindness of this wealthy “sect” of government officials to the current reality, their shortsighted and uncompromising adherence to the dictates of the established new world order, and their structural naivete only cause disgust and justified indignation in public opinion, which passively watches how these appointees of Greek origin define the “forest and firewood”, the fate and course of our state.

This holiday, based on the doctrine of “bread and circuses”, contained all the components of the program of cosmopolitans who are hunting for national sovereignty and rushing towards the hasty dissolution of national identity, the eradication of national conscience to replace it with the establishment of a neutral religious, neutral ethnic and neutral racial world. . This does not necessarily follow from the guests at the event for the restoration of the state, who not only do not respond to the institution of many-sided democracy, but also have nothing to do with political or public life, but simply carry the valuable status of the “LGBT +” community or, even more so, foreigners .

In other words, what does the enslaved Greek state preach against the nation, what does it do against the Greek people, but does it secretly, in collusion with the primary mechanisms of the coming new era?

The enemies are already at the gates and have established themselves through the back door, laying an integral corrosive bomb in the foundation of our Motherland, with the help of the stigma of epileptics and demoralizing philocrats, introducing new mores into our society.

As a digression, we can potentially pose the problem that we are sliding into a nihilistic era, where the representative type of man, decadence and decadent decay of this decadence is the charokopos, that is, the “last man”, the modern consumer mutant man who, being stunned and mourning, does not able to break through the cliches of self-serving associations directed at the corrupt political leaders of their system in order to free themselves from the current dystopia of political utidianism.

About the author: Charalambos V Katsivardas, lawyer of the High Council of State (Supreme Court) of Greece.

The opinion of the author may not reflect the opinion of the editors.

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