July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Police close to arrest "elusive" supermarket robbers

Photos and videos of robbers who broke into a large supermarket on Gunari Street in Glyfada fell into the hands of the police.

The materials collected by the police show two perpetrators on a powerful motorcycle (one of them was arrested) and two accomplices on a second similar vehicle.

At the moment, a 26-year-old Albanian has been arrested on charges of various crimes, three of his accomplices are on the wanted list. Police are looking into whether the criminal organization has committed other armed attacks in the past. There is a high possibility that 35 minutes after the robbery of the supermarket in Glyfada, the criminals broke into another supermarket, on Amfiteas Avenue in Paleo Faliro. The police “see” a lot in common in the two incidents. Law enforcers “scan” the area to find as many usable CCTV footage as possible.

Sources in ΕΛΑΣ note: “The organization of the robbers, their weapons, combined with the fact that they acted in a crowded place at 12:40 in the afternoon, makes us think that we are dealing with very dangerous criminals who should be immediately arrested.”

“After the arrest of the first offender and the inspection by the police of the place of robbery and the streets adjacent to it, the investigation unfolded in full measure. And now the identification of the elusive robbers and their arrest is only a matter of time,” reports newsbomb.gr.

The investigation is also taking place in the Zografou area, where two of the four perpetrators are estimated to be from. The second motorcycle of the robbers was found abandoned outside the university campus, and the first – in Glyfada. This is a 26-year-old criminal who was found to have a weapon, as well as the amount stolen from the checkouts of a supermarket in Glyfada.

Recall that in broad daylight, at 12:40 on Friday, four people with covered faces and weapons at the ready invaded a supermarket on Gunari Street in Glyfada. The attackers immobilized employees and customers, took all the money that was in the cash registers, and fled in an unknown direction on two motorcycles.

Eyewitnesses told what they had to endure when, while shopping, they suddenly saw four men in helmets with weapons in their hands in front of them.

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