July 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Stoltenberg: “Large-scale dialogue between NATO and Russia is no longer possible”

A three-day meeting of the heads of state and government of 30 NATO countries with the participation of partners and candidates opens on 28 June in Madrid. The main topics of the summit: the adoption of a new basic document of the alliance – a strategic concept for the period up to 2030,

discussion of the conflict in Ukraine, the official decision to refuse dialogue with Russia and recognize it as an adversary, a significant build-up of military forces in Europe, an increase in military spending, attempts to lift Turkey’s veto on the admission of Finland and Sweden, the news agency reports Eurasia Daily.

“Large-scale dialogue between NATO and Russia is no longer possible,” Stoltenberg’s statement, made on the eve of the summit, actually means a declaration of war on Russia, writes newsbreak.gr. It remains only to wait a bit and see what the final statement of the NATO leaders will look like.

It is assumed that in the new strategic vision of NATO, Russia will be designated as a “threat to collective security”, with which dialogue becomes impossible.

The summit participants plan that the number of rapid reaction forces on high alert will be increased from 40,000 to 300,000 people. NATO promises to strengthen support for Georgia and increase the number of exercises conducted on its territory.

Particular attention is paid to providing additional assistance to the army of Ukraine. It will consist, for example, in the supply of equipment for secure communications, fuel, and drone control systems.

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