July 27, 2024

Athens News

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Shishimarin, accused of war crimes in Ukraine, received a life sentence

Russian military tanker Vadim Shishimarin, accused of murdering a civilian resident of the Sumy region, was sentenced to life imprisonment.

The Solomensky District Court of Kyiv recognized the evidence of the defendant’s guilt and concluded that the murder was premeditated. The arguments of the defense that he was following orders were rejected. The court pointed out that it was not the commander of Shishimarin who ordered, but the order itself was recognized as criminal. It is noted that the court does not consider the repentance of the defendant sincere.

Vadim Shishimarin was found guilty of violating the law and customs of war. Given that the crime is international, it qualifies as especially grave.

Russian, 21-year-old sergeant from the Irkutsk region, accused of murder civilian resident of the Sumy region. He became the first Russian soldier to face justice in Ukraine on such charges. A tanker soldier was captured during the first week of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Shishimarin served as a squad leader in the 4th Panzer Kantemirovskaya Division of the Moscow Region. During the investigation, it was proved that he shot in the head a 62-year-old resident of the village of Chupakhovka, Sumy region, who died on the spot. The man died a few tens of meters from his house. In his defense, the defendant during the investigation said that he was following the order.

At the trial, he pleaded guilty and asked to be forgiven. According to the sane articles, he faces a term of 10 years to life imprisonment. The widow of the murdered man demands that the occupier be sentenced to life imprisonment, but stated that will not mindif Shishimarin is exchanged for defenders from Azovstal.

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