July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Ukraine to destroy 100 million books in Russian

Director of the Ukrainian Book Institute Oleksandra Koval thinksthat more than 100 million copies of books should be removed from public libraries. Among them are Russian classics.

“We all read these books, in my school years there was a solid Russian classic, which was considered the pinnacle of world literature. Due to the fact that we had a fairly average knowledge of the world classics, many were left with the conviction that this is really the kind of literature without which it is impossible to develop intellect and aesthetic sensations, to be an educated person. In fact, this is not so, ”the woman said.

In her opinion, it was precisely such Russian poets and writers as Alexander Pushkin and Fyodor Dostoevsky who laid the foundations of the “Russian world” and “Russian messianism.”

“This is really very harmful literature, it can really influence people’s views. Therefore, my personal opinion is that these books should also be removed from public and school libraries. Russian books can go to waste paper.”

PS Don’t stop. Burning harmful literature at the stake is very European.

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