July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Mitsotakis to underpaid Greeks: "Money can not buy happiness"

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis decided to philosophize in front of the camera. According to him, you should not strive to earn more money when you are supported by family and friends, which our beautiful country is famous for …

Kyriakos Mitsotakis once again decided to teach the mind to the mind of “stupid” compatriots who suffer from low wages.

The prime minister explained to young low-paid Greeks how unimportant it is to “make more money” when you have the “mechanism of support from family and friends” that our beautiful country is famous for. Greeks need a ‘holistic’ approach to life, says PM

Addressing a group of students and young employees of technology companies who expressed their concerns about the present and the future, Prime Minister Mitsotakis, in a friendly conversation, as “the father of the nation”, and expressed the “opinion of a man in his 50s who has found the meaning of life,” advising young Greeks not to strive to make more money, but to instill a holistic approach to life.

“Greece is changing for the better. An atmosphere of optimism and confidence once again reigns in our country, and the first to ride this wave will be you, your generation,” the Prime Minister said.

“There is no doubt that we have inflation in Greece, but this is a global phenomenon. The cost of living remains lower than in many other European cities, as it is in the United States. And always in Greece there is a support mechanism, family, friends who make our life easier and more enjoyable,” he added.

“Greece […] can offer an excellent quality of life in a world where these issues are becoming more and more important. Where the goal is not only how much money I make, this is very important, but this is not the only motivation to earn more and more money, but to see our life a little more spherical, a little more holistic,” said Prime Minister Mitsotakis .

Now half of the Greeks google the term “holistic” and the other half scold it… wholeheartedly social networks.

Some especially evil recall the prime minister’s background from a powerful political family, the 38 properties he owns (according to his tax return), and the high pay he received for his work as prime minister.

These vile* critics, they don’t understand anything in this life, and instead of looking at the bright side of life together with the prime minister… for some reason leaving en masse such a wonderful country.

* In this case, the word “mean” can be used in 2 ways:
1. From the word meanness, it’s clear here.
2. Vile estate or vile people – a term used in the 18th – early 19th centuries. in Russia, including in a number of legislative acts, in relation to the lower strata of the population, in particular, “obtained in hiring and menial work.”

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