July 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greek state sues Novartis for compensation for illegal actions

The Greek state will sue Novartis, a large pharmaceutical corporation, seeking compensation for illegal actions, Health Minister Thanos Pleuris said on Friday.

The minister said in a statement: “In fulfilling our obligation to the government to seek compensation from Novartis for all illegal activities, and in accordance with NSC protocol, we are also taking the following actions:

a) a mandate to establish a trading committee;

b) an order to appoint a law firm in the United States to protect the rights of the Greek state;

c) an order to bring an action before Greek justice demanding compensation for insulting the Greek state, subject to any additional damages to be determined and already prepared.

The minister was not immune to the temptation to attack the main opposition in SYRIZA, which during its tenure (2015-2019) shed light on scandal with Novartisclaiming that government officials were involved. In the Pleuris statement concluded:

“Unlike the SYRIZA government, which invested in the conspiracy and demanded nothing from the company, the New Democracy government is taking every step to hold Novartis accountable and compensate the Greek state for its illegal actions.”

The SYRIZA allegations have rocked the political landscape in the country, demanding arrest leading politicians of the then opposition “New Democracy”, however special committeesappointed to investigate the case, acquitted all ten politicians.

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