September 7, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Communists unfurl protest banners on the Acropolis

The Greek Communist Party, the KKE, unfurled two banners over one of the walls of the Athenian Acropolis early Thursday morning. The inscriptions in Greek and English read: “No to war. There is no involvement. No foundations of death.”

The KKE has always referred to US military bases as “death bases”.

“No subjugation to imperialism, the only superpower is the people.”

“By chanting this slogan and waving red flags, the members of the KKE send a clear signal that the people must fight for the abolition of the Greek-American agreement on military bases, which the Greek government is submitting today to Parliament for ratification, and also to intensify the fight against any participation of the country in imperialist massacre,” reads the information about the action on KKE website.

The protest took place on the day when the Greek Parliament is scheduled to ratify the Agreement on Mutual Defense Cooperation between Greece and the United States.

From the 902 FM websiteaffiliated with the KKE, the Communist Party said that “with this slogan and the red flags framing the banners, the members of the KKE send a clear message: on the same day that the government submits to Parliament the ratification of the Greek-American agreement on military bases, they call on the people to fight for its annulment, to intensify the struggle against any involvement and participation of the country in the imperialist massacres.

In parallel with this, the local branch of the KKE in Patras unfurled a poster on the breakwater of the old port with the inscription: “No to the Greek-American agreement on bases. NATO forward. No participation of the country in the war.

Several members of the party climbed the breakwater and, waving KKE flags and shouting slogans, urged citizens to oppose the US and NATO.

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