July 26, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Turkey says gas pipeline with Israel is not possible in the near future

A potential gas pipeline project between Turkey and Israel is not possible in the short term, and creating an alternative system to reduce dependence on Russia will not happen quickly, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Thursday.

Turkey and Israel have been working in recent weeks to “mend their long-strained relationship” and energy has emerged as a potential area of ​​cooperation.

Turkish media on Thursday reported that President Tayyip Erdogan said he “very, very hopes” for energy cooperation with Israel and hopes to discuss the issue with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.

“If we discuss this issue with Bennett after Ramadan and take immediate steps, the process of cooperation between Israel and Turkey related to crude oil and natural gas in the Eastern Mediterranean will accelerate,” he told reporters on his plane returning from a trip to Uzbekistan. Reuters reported on Thursday.

However, the situation is more complicated than just connecting pipelines and wires.

Two days ago, Nimrod Goren, head of the Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policy Mitvim, told the Turkish news agency Anadoluthat Israel will only participate in the supply of natural gas to Turkey if all the countries of the region participate, and that the project is not opposed to strategic partnerships with Greece, Egypt and Cyprus.

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