July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Expert on the death of three girls in the family: "98% is murder and only 2% is something else"

Honorary Brigadier General EL.AS. Thanasis Katerinopoulos expressed his opinion on the case of the sudden death of three little girls in a family of residents of Patras: “I do not blame their parents, as others do, especially when I complain about the mother. It may be that other people are to blame for what happened.”

According to a high police officer, he is convinced that a human hand was involved in the death of Malena, Iris and Georgina, and spoke of “satanic coincidences” that convince him that this is a criminal act:

“I am convinced that these are criminal acts. For some reason, the human hand claimed the lives of all three babies. If you want me to give you a percentage, it’s 98% murder and 2% something else. In either case, repeated matches are no longer matches. Here we have a lot of satanic coincidences, which cannot even be recognized as an accident.

Mr. Katerinopoulos cites two facts which, he says, “shed light” on the case, and emphasizes that “someone entered the room (ward)” where the children were.

“I am basing myself on two main facts, without going into the evidence that the police are trying to collect, and they will do it in the end, because the courts judge, of course, on the evidence, and not on the assessment of the situation. First, if there was a genetic problem, the older child would have to deal with it first, and then the two younger ones. Here we have the reverse situation. I know that at the first stage no congenital problems were found in children. If this is completely ruled out, then we are talking about 100% criminal activity “Another fact is that all the deaths occurred on weekends. This is not a coincidence, this is not something accidental. On weekends, there are no doctors, medical staff in hospitals, there are few people in general. Someone freely entered the hospital ward, I believe, and this happened on both occasions, and did something…for his own reasons.”

Towards the parents of the three girls, Manos Daskalakis and Rula Pispirigou, Thanasis Katerinopoulos was more cautious and stressed that he did not blame them, pointing out that the focus should be on identifying the persons who visited the girls in the hospital.

“I don’t blame the girls’ parents the way others do. And especially make claims to their mother. Perhaps there were “visits” by some people to relieve this unfortunate mother at the post at the child’s bed, who spent many hours every day there. It is necessary to consider who these visitors were, what their attitudes were, and what their motivation was. Parents have their own pain. However, someone who knows how to interpret body language and reads lips should make their own assessment. All these people visiting children will definitely be questioned by the police as witnesses. Their testimony in the case will be very significant,” Mr. Katerinopoulos summed up his speech.

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