Justice Minister Costas Tsiaras ordered a disciplinary investigation against two coroners who were investigating the deaths of two of the...
death of children
"Both children died of asphyxiation as a result of criminal activity." The final report from two medical examiners on the...
A second toxicological examination, carried out at the laboratories of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, does not link the deaths...
The case of the murder of 9-year-old Georgina in Patras by her mother Rula Pispirigo shocked all of Greece. Modern...
Three important testimonies actually led to the arrest of Rula Pispirigo and landed her in prison. Medical expert, nurse and...
An angry mob spent most of the night outside the home of a woman accused of killing her 9-year-old daughter...
Honorary President of the Greek Police Thanassis Katerinopoulos commented on the death of three children in Patras. “I'm talking about...
Experienced homicide investigators dealing with the sudden death of the three children of Manos Daskalakis and Rula Pispirigou have already...
Honorary Brigadier General EL.AS. Thanasis Katerinopoulos expressed his opinion on the case of the sudden death of three little girls...
New questions are raised by the medical records of three girls who died within three years, the daughters of a...
The Panhellenic Association of Medical Experts takes its own position on a case that has aroused public interest. At a...