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Metropolitan Grigory of Peristeria demanded to deprive the Russian Orthodox Church of autocephaly

All representatives of the so-called ROC reacted extremely painfully to the opening of the African Exarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church. Ancient Eastern Church. After all, the Russians encroached on the most important thing for church hierarchs – on money …

On February 6, 2022, Metropolitan Gregory of the Orthodox Church of Peristeria proposed to deprive the ROC of autocephaly for a period of five years, According to the Greek edition of “Dogma”.

Metropolitan Gregory of Peristeria. Photo: screenshot of Doxologia Infonews YouTube channel

According to the hierarch of the EOC, the Russian Church should be deprived of autocephaly for five years and immediately convene a Pan-Orthodox Synod to resolve the “Russian schism” that arose in connection with the creation Exarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church in Africa. He also proposed to defrock the head of the Patriarchal Exarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church in Africa, Metropolitan Leonid.

Metropolitan Gregory of Cameroon. Photo:

On February 10, 2022, his point of view was supported by Gregory, Metropolitan of Cameroon of the Orthodox Church of Alexandria, who spoke about the steps that would be taken before depriving the Russian Church of autocephaly, the same publication reports. “Dogma”.

According to him, in the near future there will be a “gathering” of the leaders of the five Local Churches or the so-called “council” of the Pentarchy, which will include the primates of the Constantinople, Antioch, Jerusalem, Hellas and Cyprus Churches, which should condemn the ROC for the creation of the Exarchate in Africa.

Four of the five primates, possible participants in the “council” of the Pentarchy.

Since a mere condemnation would be a small punishment, Metropolitan Gregory (Cameroonian) believes that the “invasion” of the Russian Church on the African continent is worthy not only of punishment in the form of a “recommendation and reprimand” available in the Church, followed by “some punishments”, but also more formidable, such as: “punishment in the form of deprivation of communion and sacramentality (grace, – Ed.) of all the Sacraments.”

In addition, if the ROC does not come to their senses and close the Exarchate and return the money, “there is also a deposition.” At the same time, he noted that “there is and can be a suspension of autocephaly, because the one who gives autocephaly, namely the ecumenical patriarch, can also suspend it due to tragic mistakes.”

At the moment, the location of the “cathedral” has not yet been finally determined. According to Metropolitan Gregory, one will have to choose from such places as Phanar, Holy Mount Athos, Chambesy (in extreme cases, the already familiar place will come down – Embassy of the USA).

Archpriest Igor Yakimchuk, Secretary for Inter-Orthodox Relations of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church. Photo:

According to the Russian Orthodox Church, autocephaly is in principle impossible to revoke

The proposal of one of the metropolitans of the Greek Orthodox Church to temporarily deprive the autocephaly of the Russian Orthodox Church, for the creation of an exarchate in Africa, is absurd. This was stated by the Secretary for Inter-Orthodox Relations of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate of the Russian Orthodox Church, Archpriest Igor Yakimchuk, RIA Novosti reports.

“Of course, the very posing of the question is absurd: it is impossible in principle to revoke autocephaly from anyone. This is about the same if some countries suddenly revoke independence from Russia,” Yakimchuk told RIA Novosti.

Exarch of the Russian Orthodox Church in Africa, Metropolitan Leonid of Klin. Photo:

Metropolitan Leonid of Klin, Exarch of the Russian Orthodox Church in Africa, confirmed the words of his colleague that it is impossible to take away autocephaly from the Russian Church.

“The autocephaly of the Local Church is not a franchise of a foreign commercial enterprise, which can be easily granted and then taken away. The Russian Orthodox Church officially gained independence in 1589, when Metropolitan Job became the first Patriarch of Moscow,” comments Metropolitan Leonid.

The Exarch of the Russian Orthodox Church in Africa recalled that the Russian Church has been formed over the centuries, “on the pillars of martyrs and confessors, saints and saints, blessed and holy fools,” and has its own deepest history and traditions. “We went through the abolition of the patriarchate in the Petrine and post-Petrine eras, the trials of years of godless hard times in the Soviet era, and nothing broke us!” Vladyka added.

The Metropolitan stressed that the Russian Orthodox Church is serving God and hundreds of millions of people. “We are in demand and we are implementing our programs within Russia and abroad without violating the canons and rules of the Ecumenical Councils. And we will continue to do so. The Russian Orthodox Church always stands for an equal dialogue on the platform of canonical principles,” said Metropolitan Leonid.

“As for my modest person and threats to “deprive me of my dignity”, then, apart from a smile, they cause nothing. They didn’t give me dignity, it’s not for them to deprive me,” the Patriarchal Exarch summed up.

Independent experts who advise the publication “Russian Athens” asked our counter question – what did they think in fanari when they gave Tomos OCUwithout asking permission? The Church, of course, belongs to the Lord, but it is people who manage it. And lately, for some reason, state employees of one overseas countrywhich considers itself not just a world gendarme, but also claims the title of New Jerusalem – “City on the Hill”, trying at the same time to control the souls of believers.

Well, as for the issue of Africa, here financial issues were woven into the conflict, which coincided exclusively by chance with the aggravation of international tension and the accusation that Russia wants to conquer Ukraine, which for the leadersancient eastern churches have always prevailed over questions of faith, despite all the assurances of the higher hierarchs in the latter.

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