April 25, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Bogdanos: Pakistan and Britain are financing the construction of a new mosque in Megara

Konstantinos Bogdanos, an independent MP known for his racist and anti-communist rhetoric, for which he was expelled from the ruling ND, announced the construction of a new mosque in Megara with money from Pakistan and the UK.

As we reported earlier, at the beginning of November 2020 in Athens, for the first time in 200 years, mosque opened.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Education, the mosque has been operating since yesterday, 02.11.2020, “in accordance with the measures in force for all places of worship specified in the ministerial decision (ΚΥΑ Δ1α/Γ.Π.οικ./67924 “Κανόνες τήρησης αποστάσεων και άλλα μέτρα προστασίας στο σύνολο της επικράτειας, προς περιορισμό της διασποράς του κορωνοϊού COVID-19″ (ΦΕΚ Β΄ 4709/23-10-2020), опубликованном в «Правительственном messenger.” According to the publication “Kathimerini”, it will have a permanent staff of civil servants. Two of them are representatives of the Ministry of Education and Religions.

“Megara: a new large mosque funded by Pakistan and England. The Ministry of Education asks for control, but YPROPO is not even involved, and so they fill Greece with hundreds of illegal mosques. They are called cultural centers! Not only do they not close after it was opened near the Botanical Garden. They’re breeding!” — wrote the deputy.

Earlier on Twitter it was reported about the opening of an illegal mosque in Megara.

“Pakistani channels have widely mentioned the opening of an illegal mosque in Megara, which operates without any real permission from YPAIT. A show of strength by Pakistanis who create a complete and strange inactivity of some. Dangerous games with the country’s security,” the author of the publication emphasizes.

As we reported earlier, at the beginning of November 2020 in Athens, for the first time in 200 years, mosque opened.

First official mosque opens in Athens

According to a statement from the Ministry of Education, the mosque has been operating since yesterday, 02.11.2020, “in accordance with the measures in force for all places of worship specified in the ministerial decision (ΚΥΑ Δ1α/Γ.Π.οικ./67924 “Κανόνες τήρησης αποστάσεων και άλλα μέτρα προστασίας στο σύνολο της επικράτειας, προς περιορισμό της διασποράς του κορωνοϊού COVID-19″ (ΦΕΚ Β΄ 4709/23-10-2020), опубликованном в «Правительственном messenger.” According to the publication “Kathimerini”, it will have a permanent staff of civil servants. Two of them are representatives of the Ministry of Education and Religions.

The opening of the mosque took place against the backdrop of numerous public protests against the so-called. Muslimization of Greece. On the other hand, the authorities argued that it was better to have a legal mosque than numerous clandestine places of worship that could not be controlled.

Chrissi Avgi protest against the construction of a mosque in Athens

According to the Greek police, there are more than 100 illegal mosquesmany of which preach radical Islamists.

In October 2021, Greek MP Konstantinos Bogdanos was excluded from the parliamentary faction of the ruling New Democracy party after his harsh anti-communist rhetoric in parliament. In a speech delivered to the Parliament, the MP stated, among other things, that the Communists pose a greater threat to Greece than Turkey.

The opening of the mosque took place against the backdrop of numerous
public protests
against the so-called. Muslimization of Greece. On the other hand, the authorities argued that it was better to have a legal mosque than numerous clandestine places of worship that could not be controlled.

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