July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greece: 11 new employment programs and 86,000 jobs

Greek Prime Minister Kiryakos Mitsotakis today unveiled 11 new programs to provide jobs for 86,000 unemployed people, announcing that they will be supported by nearly 590 million euros from the Recovery Fund and the NSRF.

In 2022, the unemployed will be offered 86,000 new jobs in the private sector through 11 new OAED programs, which will raise almost € 590 million from the National Strategic Reference Framework (Recovery Fund) and the National Strategic Reference Framework, as well as through seven ongoing activities.

This was stated by Prime Minister K. Mitsotakis during his visit to the offices of the OAED, where he was informed by the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs K. Hatzidakis and the head of OAED Spyros Protopsaltis about the results of employment and incentive programs over the past two years.

From May 2020 to December 2021, when the pandemic continued, 16 programs implemented by the OAED created 50,131 new jobs.

“I think the facts speak for themselves: in the four years of the previous government, 42,000 jobs were created. In just two years during the pandemic, we created 50,000 jobs. And of course, the goal is extremely ambitious: to create 86 thousand jobs in 2022 at the expense of funds that will come, on the one hand, from the Recovery Fund, and on the other hand, from the NSFR, ”the Prime Minister said.

“This is the best evidence of the progressive position of the government’s overall policy on the world of work,” Kyriakos Mitsotakis said, adding that the government’s orientation “proves in practice that reducing inequality and empowering disadvantaged members of society is our undeniable priority.”

Programs for the period 2020–2021 developed in three areas: stimulating employment, gaining work experience and supporting entrepreneurship. They were characterized by a high degree of absorption, in contrast to previous years, when it was found that stocks with large budgets had a takeover of 3% to 8%.

In practice, this means that, thanks to an active employment policy, the development of new programs and the modification of old, which turned out to be relatively ineffective types of activity, an increase of 17.9% was achieved in a year and a half compared to all four years of 2016-2019, despite the impact pandemics on the labor market.

In the midst of the pandemic, the OAED manages to create more than 33,400 jobs each year, more than triple the 10,627 jobs created on average each year in the previous four years.

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