July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Two Ukrainian pilgrims are sought on Mount Athos

In the area of ​​the monastery of St. Paul on Mount Athos, two pilgrims disappeared yesterday, who came to the Holy Mountain from Ukraine with a group of compatriots.

The lost Ukrainians are looking for firefighters and policemen, the newspaper “Vima Orthodoxy” writes.

The incident took place on October 15th. Nine pilgrims, all from Ukraine, climbed to the top of Athos, despite the weather and rain. After the descent, two people were found missing, presumably walking in front.

In the cell “Panagia”, which is located at the foot of the summit of Athos and is the extreme point for an overnight stay, there were no lost either. Messages and phone calls remain unanswered.

The missing pilgrims were reported to the police and the fire department. Arriving rescuers are trying to find the lost tracks of two people. Four climbers and firefighters from Halkidiki are taking part in the search operation.

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