July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Fall 2021 discounts: when and what Sunday stores will be open

The 2021 autumn discount season is approaching. Retail store owners look forward to replenishing their pockets, and consumers looking forward to making purchases to their advantage.

The intermediate autumn discount period (ενδιάμεση, φθινοπωρινή εκπτωτική περίοδος) in 2021 will begin on Monday November 1 and will last for two weeks.

We remind you that during discounts, in addition to indicating the old and new reduced prices for goods that are sold at a discount, it is also allowed to indicate the percentage of the discount.

What Sundays before the end of the year will the shops be open?
Three Sundays remain typical for shops.

These are the dates:

November 7, 2021 December 12, 2021 December 19, 2021

And since December 26 falls on the last Sunday before New Years, stores are expected to be closed on that day.

The Greek Consumer Federation draws the attention of citizens to the following:

Price tags indicating the old (usually crossed out) and new prices should be in visible places in the store. Permissible to indicate percentage discounts. If a discounted price is offered for more than 60% of all products sold, the indicated discount rate, and in the case of different discount rates for each product category, must be indicated on the storefront or on retail counters. The range of the percentage provided (“from …% to …%”). Store owners should be able, in case of control, to prove that the old selling price on the billboard is true. A common scam of some merchants is that they deliberately either overcharge the old actual price or sell “substandard”, so when shopping, take your time and be careful. …

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