September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Antivaxer parent threatened to come to school with a carbine

An incredible incident took place in Pyrgos: an anti-waxing parent threatened to come to school with a carbine.

The criminal court sentenced the 37-year-old father to 15 months in prison with a suspended sentence of three years, who insisted on his child’s right to go to school without a self test.

The mother, who resisted doing a self test to the student, was accused of incitement and disobedience to the authorities.

The father threatened to go to his child’s school with a firearm because, although he tested positive for the coronavirus, the head of the family claimed that “it’s a simple flu.”

According to the OPEN channel, the father called the school director and threatened to come into the building with a carbine if his child was not allowed to go to school (because he did not believe that he had a coronavirus).

Fortunately, this did not happen, the father did not fulfill his threat (although, who knows, everything could have ended differently), and decided not to threaten the director and teachers.

This case illustrates what teachers have to deal with every day.

Reportedly, some parents (who deny the vaccine) do not even allow teachers to put a thermometer on their children (they do not allow a medical procedure in a general education institution).

At the same time, anti-Axis parents continue to organize riots in the schools where their children study.

The criminal court sentenced the 37-year-old father to 15 months in prison with a suspended sentence of three years, who insisted on his child’s right to go to school without a self test.

The student’s father was found guilty of illegal entry into a state (general education) institution and the use of violence.

According to GRTimes, the school director, who described the incident, testified as a witness: “The child’s parent started shouting at the teachers, who told him to show the test results (as provided by the relevant legislation). Furious, he pushed me hard and led the child into the classroom. Both were without masks. This situation had a negative psychological impact on the students. They were scared and cried. “

The accused of violating the order organized a “showdown” in the 2nd elementary school of Thermi. The student’s father, who refused to show his child’s school ID, allegedly pushed the school principal and refused to leave the school grounds without a mask, as a result of which the police were called.

And another similar case was told by “Russian Athens”.

The mother, who resisted doing a self test to the student, was accused of incitement and disobedience to the authorities.

A student from a school in Evosmos, who did not pass the self-test the day before, because his mother did not allow him, and therefore was not allowed to classes, came to the educational institution today. The schoolboy did a self-test and began to study.

However, his mother will be taken to the prosecutor’s office today, since after her refusal to conduct a self-examination of her son, she was arrested as part of a preliminary investigation, appointed by the head of the Thessaloniki prosecutor’s office, on charges of inciting disobedience to the authorities.

1ο ΓΕΛ Ευόσμου Θεσσαλονίκης was reportedly in the spotlight these days when a student’s mother filed a lawsuit against the school principal the day before yesterday for refusing to allow her son to go to school without providing the required self-test.

According to Voria, today everything is going on in the school as usual: the students came to school with a self test, as required by the current legislation.

The student’s father was found guilty of illegal entry into a state (general education) institution and the use of violence.

According to GRTimes, the school director, who described the incident, testified as a witness: “The child’s parent started shouting at the teachers, who told him to show the test results (as provided by the relevant legislation). Furious, he pushed me hard and led the child into the classroom. Both were without masks. This situation had a negative psychological impact on the students. They were scared and cried. “

The accused of violating the order organized a “showdown” in the 2nd elementary school of Thermi. The student’s father, who refused to show his child’s school ID, allegedly pushed the school principal and refused to leave the school grounds without a mask, as a result of which the police were called.

And another similar case was told by “Russian Athens”.

The mother, who resisted doing a self test to the student, was accused of incitement and disobedience to the authorities.

A student from a school in Evosmos, who did not pass the self-test the day before, because his mother did not allow him, and therefore was not allowed to classes, came to the educational institution today. The schoolboy did a self-test and began to study.

However, his mother will be taken to the prosecutor’s office today, since after her refusal to conduct a self-examination of her son, she was arrested as part of a preliminary investigation, appointed by the head of the Thessaloniki prosecutor’s office, on charges of inciting disobedience to the authorities.

1ο ΓΕΛ Ευόσμου Θεσσαλονίκης was reportedly in the spotlight these days when a student’s mother filed a lawsuit against the school principal the day before yesterday for refusing to allow her son to go to school without providing the required self-test.

According to Voria, today everything is going on in the school as usual: the students came to school with a self test, as required by the current legislation.

A student from a school in Evosmos, who did not pass the self-test the day before, because his mother did not allow him, and therefore was not allowed to classes, came to the educational institution today. The schoolboy did a self-test and began to study.

However, his mother will be taken to the prosecutor’s office today, since after her refusal to conduct a self-examination of her son, she was arrested within the framework of the preliminary investigation, appointed by the head of the Thessaloniki prosecutor’s office, on charges of inciting disobedience to the authorities.

1ο ΓΕΛ Ευόσμου Θεσσαλονίκης was reportedly in the spotlight these days when a student’s mother filed a lawsuit against the school principal the day before yesterday for refusing to allow her son to go to school without providing the required self-test.

According to Voria, today everything is going on in the school as usual: the students came to school with a self test, as required by the current legislation.

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