September 23, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Weight loss and coronavirus

Russian nutritionist Alexei Kovalkov warned those who suffered from coronavirus about the dangers of trying to lose weight. A well-known nutritionist noted that those who have recovered should be very careful about losing weight due to possible changes in internal organs that could occur as a result of illness or complications from COVID-19. “Simple diets do not suit them, and trendy ones – such as intermittent fasting and the keto diet – are completely unsuitable, since there can be very terrible complications,” the specialist said on his YouTube channel. According to him, when losing weight, people after COVID-19 need to monitor any changes in the body, since there is a risk of microthrombi in the kidneys and liver. The doctor explained that when losing weight, there is a great load on these organs. It is worth noting that the doctor himself, although he was not going to, but still vaccinated. And what happened after that, he told in detail to all those who follow his activities. For someone, perhaps, the information he provided will become “vital”. …

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