July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Russia: 2-month-old baby dies of coronavirus

In the Russian city of Tula, a two-month-old girl died from the rapidly developing COVID-19.

The Ministry of Health of the Tula region reported that, according to the conclusion of forensic doctors after the autopsy, the disease proceeded in a lightning-fast form. The official post says:

“The deceased child from Tula was diagnosed with a new coronavirus infection at autopsy. According to the conclusion of forensic doctors, the infectious process had a lightning-fast course.”

After discharge from the hospital, reports RIA News, the child was at home, the nurse regularly visited the girl. Parents did not make any complaints about her condition, everything was fine the day before. The death was established by an ambulance team at home, the Ministry of Health said. It is noted that the deceased child is the youngest victim of the coronavirus in the region. How and from whom the baby got infected is not reported.

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