September 21, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Greece has the lowest internet download speed in the EU

Greece, a country that aspires to be a technology hub and base for digital nomads, has the slowest and most expensive internet in Europe.

In some countries, a significant percentage of cities have connection speeds below 30 Mbps, according to a study presented by the European Parliamentary Committee for Industry, Research and Energy.

Greece is at the bottom of the list of EU member states with only 29 Mbps, while top countries such as Denmark and France have average download speeds of 140 and 139 Mbps, respectively.

“In France, Italy and Latvia, this percentage is just over 50. The Czech Republic and Slovakia reached 65.4 percent and 70.1 percent, respectively, with peaks close to full coverage in Cyprus (85%), Croatia (89.2 %) and Greece (93.2%) ”.

Comparing the data collected by Speedtest in the first and fourth quarters of 2020, we can see that in all countries, albeit to varying degrees, the average download speed in the second half of the year was higher. This can be attributed to a number of factors, from the progress of the network to the fact that many people were forced to invest in fast connections during the pandemic to work from home. Overall, the infrastructure seems to have withstood the growth in traffic and the need for high performance.

Full report here.

Other EU studies have shown that Greece is also the most expensive internet in the EU – and this is to blame for providers who charge excessively for low connection speeds.

The world average indicator for receiving data using the mobile Internet is 30.9 Mbit / s, and for sending data 10.5 Mbit / s. In Russia, the speed of mobile Internet is not yet the same as, for example, in South Korea, however, the coverage of new generation networks is expanding every year. Of course, the speed of wired internet is much higher.

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