July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Collapsed home in Florida buried 90 people under the ruins

Yesterday, July 11, Danielle Lavigne Kawa, Mayor of Miami-Dade County, announced the number of people found under the ruins of a collapsed house in Surfside – 90 people.

About 800 rescuers are dismantling the rubble, teams from Paraguay and Israel came to the rescue. Among the missing is the sister of the wife of the Paraguayan president.

Built in 1981 at the intersection of 88th Street and Collins Avenue in the coastal town of Safside, the 14-story Champlain Towers South collapsed on the night of June 24. Initially, one dead and 156 missing were reported. Rescuers did not stop searching for people either day or night. However, due to the anticipated Hurricane Elsa, the authorities made a decision demolish the surviving part building.

An impending tropical storm in Florida forced rescuers to stop searching for people left under the rubble in order to prepare the Surfside building for demolition, AFP reported. The controlled explosion of part of the Champlain Towers South residential complex was broadcast live on American television channels,

Authorities feared, according to Reuters, that the remainder of the building could collapse. Fears for the safety of rescuers grew with each passing day and intensified with the approach of a tropical storm. Search and rescue teams worked under the rubble, exploring the rubble in search of survivors. Search cameras and sonars, specially trained dogs were used. But, according to the rescuer, it was a “slow and methodical” process due to the risk of moving rubble.

It is still not known for certain what led to tragic incident… There are several potential reasons. It is known that already during the operation, a 3-storey penthouse was built on top. Three or four years ago, cracks were found in the walls of the parking lot. For some reason, water constantly accumulated in the basements, which was associated with the pool in the house. Three days later, on June 27, renovations were to begin in the house.

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