July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Ukrainians turned out to be unwitting hostages of a thief in law

Another incident with Ukrainian air passengers took place not abroad, but at home, in Kiev. This time the reason was … the eaten passport.

Unfortunately for the passengers of flight YE 0215 departing to Georgia, the thief in law Avtandil Kobeshavidze, nicknamed Auto Kopala, was to be deported from Ukraine in the same plane. However, once on the plane, he rushed to eat his passport, thereby disrupting his deportation and leaving hundreds of passengers in the dark in the dark in the waiting room, as the flight was delayed due to the incident.

Police officers of Ukraine said that they tried to deport the thief in law to Georgia, and not to Russia, where he had been on the wanted list since 2019. He was the first to be put on the YanAir airliner, departing for Batumi at 07:30. A Ukrainian delegation with children, flying on the same flight, was to enter the plane next, but they were not even released from the waiting room. The eaten passport caused the deportation to be disrupted and the flight to Georgia delayed, it is reported strana.ua and Detective-Info.

While the police are pondering what to do in this situation, hundreds of passengers, without food, water and, most importantly, information, continue to be in the waiting room of Boryspil. True, the airline has already promised that they will all fly out on Sunday. But with Kobeshavidze, everything is more serious – now, without a passport digesting in his stomach, he cannot be accepted back and forth, and it is impossible to deport him.

The Attorney General’s office, meanwhile, has prepared an appeal against the court’s decision to change the preventive measure for a person who is suspected of spreading criminal influence in society, having the status of a “thief in law.”

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