July 27, 2024

Athens News

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India: cyclone Tauktae killed 40 people, dozens are missing

The hurricane that struck the western coast of India killed 40 people, 89 have not yet been found.

In the state of Gujarat, 13 people died from falling trees and heavy rain. According to Vijay Rupani, the state’s chief minister, on Twitter, “13 fatalities have been reported so far.”

In Mumbai, in the neighboring state of Maharashtra, 12 people were killed. Whole areas have been flooded there, power poles have been knocked down, trees have been torn out by the roots. In the state of Karnataka 6 deaths, reported casualties in the states of Goa and Kerala.

Emergency services and the country’s navy continue to search for people from the sunken barge P305. It was designed to house oil workers and was 35 miles from Mumbai. Rescuers managed to lift 184 people aboard the ships of the Navy, 89 oil workers have not yet been found.

The rescue operation continues in relation to the crews of a drilling vessel and 2 barges of the largest state oil and gas corporation ONGC. There are at least 430 people on board. A corporation spokesman said:

All the drifting vessels, except for the P305, have been taken under control and their crew is safe. The Indian Navy and ONGC are actively involved in the rescue of the crew of the P305.

Authorities were preparing to the blow of the elements announced by the forecasters. Fifty special brigades were dispatched to coastal areas and nearly 150,000 people living there were evacuated, AMPE reported. However, the hurricane was too aggressive. A similar cyclone hit the region more than two decades ago, in 1998. It killed 4,000 people and caused hundreds of millions of dollars in property damage, shutting down the main airport and ports and evacuating hundreds of thousands of people.

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