July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Hooligans who cut a man in Nea Smyrni, were released to their homes

After testifying in front of the prosecutor, five young men accused of stabbing and robbing a 60-year-old man who had come out to reprimand them for the night’s noise were released.

The accused were given a recognizance not to leave: they appeared at the local police station twice a month and they were prohibited from leaving the country. According to the information, the defendants admitted that they were present at the incident and apologized.

The young man, who directly attacked the 60-year-old with a knife and inflicted a wound on his leg, confessed to his act, expressed regret for what he had done and apologized.

The five hooligans have already been prosecuted several times. In particular, they are responsible for two grave crimes and four hooligan offenses.

But judging by the fact that the hooligans were released again, their families have good lawyers. This means that fights, stabbing and night “concerts” will continue to continue on the streets and squares of Athens.


At about 5 a.m. on May 13, a 60-year-old man left the house to make a remark to young people who have been organizing loud parties for 2 weeks in a row in Nea Smyrni Square. In response, they stabbed him, took the money, phone and left him in a pool of blood to die. Fortunately, residents of neighboring houses reacted quickly, and an ambulance arrived immediately and rescued the victims of the attack.

Beginning in late April, hundreds of young people began to gather in the capital’s Nea Smyrni square to relax in the company of friends. At first, they were relatively quiet, but around May 1, they felt that the police did not react to their parties in any way and began to actively make noise.

Loud music until 5-6 in the morning, firecrackers and rockets shooting at Easter and a week after it caused a negative attitude of people living in the area. But there was no reaction to complaints to the police. Apparently, the police were “offended” for events on March 9 and decided to completely ignore the entire area.

Further – more, groups of street racers pulled up to the square, who did not so much race as demonstrated the power of their motors and the ability to drift through the streets of a densely populated area. Naturally, everything happened at night, preventing thousands of people from sleeping.

The noise of the motors was superimposed on the rumble of music and the roar of the crowd, and one of the inhabitants of the house next to the square could not stand it. A 60-year-old man, at about 5 am on May 13, went outside and tried to reprimand the young people, asking them not to make noise.


It is worth noting that since that day, patrols have reappeared in the area, and even in 10 times the number. Evil tongues are sovereigns that the police were “offended” for events on March 9 and decided to completely ignore the entire area. Hundreds of calls with complaints about noise and unrest in the area were completely ignored. An incident of this kind was needed for the police to deign to return.

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