July 27, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Usa: police officer responsible for George Floyd’s death sent to jail

After the verdict of the jury, who found police officer Derek Chauvin guilty of the death of African American George Floyd, the former cop was sent to prison, Interfax reports, citing CNN.

The ex-policeman was handcuffed right in the courtroom, then taken to the prison in Minnesota. At 4:55 pm, Chauvin arrived at Oak Park Heights, about 25 miles east of downtown Minneapolis, according to Sara Fitzgerald, a spokesman for the Minnesota Department of Corrections.

Chauvin was found guilty on three counts, including second and third degree murder. The former police officer faces a real term of up to 40 years in prison. Commenting on the jury’s verdict, US President Joe Biden said: “No one should be above the law, and the verdict sends this signal.” And he called the verdict “a giant step forward on the path to justice in America.”

46-year-old African American Floyd died after a police officer pinned his knee to his neck during arrest. On video footage of the incident, you can hear him repeating several times: “I can’t breathe.” After he lost consciousness, Floyd was taken to the hospital, but the doctors could only state his death. His death led to numerous anti-racist protests in the United States and other countries.

After yesterday’s indictment, crowds on the streets of Minneapolis celebrated victory. Near the Cup Foods store, at the site of the fatal meeting between Chauvin and Floyd, a memorial with a portrait of the deceased African American was erected.

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