September 8, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Northern Greece: Vaccinating Roma and Muslim Minorities

Thessaloniki, Halkidiki, Kilkis and Larisa entered the “red zone” of category 4 epidemiological map on Wednesday afternoon 29/09.

Speaking on MEGA about the outbreak of cases in Northern Greece that led to the decision to introduce new measures, Athena Linou said:

“Things are progressing with a creak, and we intend to investigate the cause of this phenomenon in the near future. We can take action that is useless, such as imposing a curfew at night. We must give an absolute opportunity to people without documents, those who do not speak Greek, to get vaccinated. This is also part of the problem. Every vaccine helps. Other countries, where many illegal immigrants live, vaccinate them without even asking for documents. Specially trained specialists went to the Roma to convince people. It’s the same with the Muslim minority. “

Commenting on the measures that will be applied in the areas marked “red”, that is, a ban on traffic from 01:00 pm to 06:00 am, as well as a ban on music in entertainment and catering, Ms. Linu said that these are soft measures. which will affect a few:

The virus can be transmitted by taking off your mask, singing loudly, or dancing with someone. For some people, this will happen 2 hours a week. But don’t forget, we have public transport and schools where people are around for 10-20 hours a week. The measures taken should help. I do not think that vaccination alone will help in order to be able to use transport. If the Delta strain is present, the vaccinated also become infected and transmit the disease. In intercity buses, the windows must be open, the passenger compartment must be well ventilated. The most important benefit for the vaccinated person is for himself. He won’t go to the ICU, he won’t be intubated, except for a very small percentage. Unvaccinated people are 20-30 times more likely to become seriously ill. Vaccinated people transmit the infection, but much less and less often. “

Finally, regarding the upcoming festival of Agios Dimitrios as well as school parades, Ms Linu said:

“This requires attention and moderation. As for church issues, although we respect and honor religious holidays, I think that the church can regulate visits to temples, allow 30 masked people to pass, using antiseptics and distancing in Thessaloniki. The same should be done in other churches. There are enough priests to perform services one after another, every three hours. Some outdoor activities can be held in fine weather. “

“I think that the parade should be held with a small number of schoolchildren, observing the measures: wearing a mask and distancing. Although you can do without the parade altogether. Let lots be drawn in schools so that only a small number of schoolchildren can participate, ”added Athena Linu, a Greek physician, former professor at the medical school of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens and president of the Institute for Preventive, Environmental and Occupational Medicine.

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