September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Mykonos rape case: release of suspects under fire

Court decision release three rape suspects without restrictions on the island of Mykonos has drawn sharp criticism and a joint statement from the Supreme Court of Greece and the Chief Prosecutor's Office.

Three men accused in the rape of a 23-year-old tourist on the island of Mykonoswere released on Tuesday without conditions. The decision to release them was reportedly made after evidence showed the sexual intercourse was consensual, the state news agency reported. The 23-year-old victim filed a complaint, claiming that early in the morning On June 30, she was raped by three men.when she was on holiday in Mykonos.

The Pakistani nationals were identified and taken to Mykonos police headquarters, where they admitted having sex with her. A case was opened against them and they were handed over to the Syros District Attorney and later released without any restrictive conditions.

In its report, the news agency, citing data from the prosecutor's office, reported that after studying the video recordings, it was concluded “that all the recorded sexual acts were committed with the absolute consent of the girl, and there are no signs of rape.” The woman was allegedly not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

The unconditional release of the suspects sparked outrage on social media. On Wednesday morning, spokesmen for Greece's Supreme Court and the court's Chief Prosecutor's Office criticized online media reports that condemned the release of Pakistani nationals accused of raping a foreign tourist on the island of Mykonos.

Supreme Court spokesman condemns “the very frequent, unfortunately, and certainly illegal tactic of selectively leaking the contents of case materials, especially those that are at the preliminary investigation stage, as in this case, and presenting as facts genuine incidents – which, however, are not part of the case materials – which leads to misinformation and the creation of impressions in public opinion.”

“This tactic is clearly aimed at creating a sense of insecurity among citizens, insulting the effectiveness of the Greek justice system and, as a result, discrediting Greece.” Instead, the Supreme Court said, it advises these self-appointed “judges” and “prosecutors” to “accept the basic principles of the rule of law and especially to recognize that the only ones competent to rule – in accordance with the constitution and the laws – are the judges and prosecutors of Greece.”

The statement was signed by Supreme Court Judge Panagiotis Limberopoulos and Deputy Prosecutor Constantinos Tzavellas, the news agency reports.

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