September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

BILD: Ukraine has deployed over 30 robotic dogs from the UK into combat in Donbass

Recently, the fighting in the Donetsk region has taken on an exhausting trench character, the front line is changing extremely slowly. Therefore, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have introduced robotic dogs BAD.2 from the British company Brit Alliance into the battle.

These are compact, robust and maneuverable four-legged ground drones that are piloted by an operator. They help get to places where aerial drones cannot go, such as inside buildings or Russian trenches. Robot dogs with video camerasas our publication reported, they reconnoiter the surrounding area, detect booby traps, and track the movements of the Russian Armed Forces. This significantly reduces the risk for Ukrainian intelligence officers.


“We were concerned about the increasing number of reports of casualties at the front due to enemy drones,” Brit Alliance CEO Kyle Thorburn told BILD. “So we discussed the possibility of a safer solution for reconnaissance tasks in high-risk areas. <..> The results are astounding. Our robotic dogs carry out reconnaissance tasks at the frontline, reducing the risk to human soldiers. This not only increases combat effectiveness, but also strengthens the morale of the army.”


According to BILD, there are currently more than 30 such dogs on the front. Thanks to heat-protection camouflage from the German company Concamo, they are virtually impossible to detect. The robot dogs silently creep across the battlefield at a speed of up to 15 km/h and operate in the enemy's area within a radius of 3.5 km for a maximum of five hours.


Their cost, depending on the modification, ranges from 4,000 to 8,000 euros. “Nothing compared to human life” — BILD observers note. The first to test the robot dogs were fighters from the 28th brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

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