September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Priest crashes into fruit stand in Vouliagmeni with electric scooter

An unusual incident occurred at the market in Vouliagmeni: a priest, riding an electric scooter, lost control and crashed right into a fruit stand.

It happened when the 42-year-old priest was walking along Dimitris Street in Vouliagmeni, behind the Faneromeni Church. He was accompanied by his children and relatives who had come from abroad. Their house was nearby, on Alekos Panagouli Street in the same area.

At some point, the priest took his nephew's scooter and tried it out. Everything was fine until the end of Dimitris Street, where, as usual on Saturdays, a market with vegetables and fruits had set up its stalls. Here the man lost his balance and fell on the first stall, seriously scaring the sellers and relatives, writes EKKLISIA ONLINE.

Relatives rushed to his aid, but it turned out that the priest had not received any injuries and was feeling fine. He quickly apologized to the traders for the unfortunate incident, and the family left the huskies.

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