September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Orban simplifies entry for Russians and Belarusians into Hungary

Following Prime Minister Viktor Orban's visit to Moscow, entry conditions into Hungary have been simplified for citizens of the Russian Federation and Belarus.

Budapest has included citizens of these countries in the “national card” program, which is issued for 2 years with the possibility of extension for those who want to work in Hungary, writes German edition RND:

“For several days now, Russians have been able to enter EU through Hungary without any security checks and to travel freely to other EU countries. This was made possible by the registration as guest workers in Hungary, which Prime Minister Viktor Orbán extended to people from Russia and Belarus in July. There is now great concern that Russian spies could also enter the EU or that the Kremlin could deliberately smuggle Russians into the EU to carry out terrorist attacks.”

The publication calls Hungary's actions provocations, emphasizing that they are causing discontent in the EU, as they pose a security threat. Sergei Lagodinsky, an expert on EU foreign policy, called Budapest's actions “the wrong approach”: entry permits for Russians and Belarusians without security checks are being issued at a time when the Russian authorities are doing everything possible to weaken Europe with the help of hybrid attacksHe expressed his belief that “it would be wrong to label all Russian citizens as submarines of the regime,” but added that Orban was doing what he always does:

“He is undermining the European migration system and at the same time making himself a servant of the Kremlin.”

In the spring, the Hungarian government announced writes DW, that about 65,000 workers are expected. They can bring their families with them and apply for permanent residence after three years. Other European countries, in particular Finland, no longer allow Russians to enter the country. The government in Helsinki justifies this by Russia's attempts to destabilize the border and EU countries.

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