September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Municipality of Athens: "Do not take out your garbage between 11:00 and 17:00 on hot days"

The Athens municipality has issued a statement calling on city residents to be careful with their waste due to the intense heat and to throw it out at certain times of the day.

The statement reads:

“Given the very high temperature, as well as for hygiene and safety reasons, We ask citizens and entrepreneurs not to throw waste into containers from 11 am to 5 pm, as it will only be collected in the morning and night hours.Based on the circulars, it is considered necessary to change the schedule in all seven (7) municipalities during the adverse conditions of the heat wave. “Cooperation between everyone is necessary to avoid disruptions to city services during periods of high temperatures.”

“Athens News” reported that in the near future in Greece will continue hot weather. At the same time, in the coming days the temperature will begin to rise, reaching in some areas 42°WITH.

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