September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

MRB: Only one in ten Greeks believe the country and economy are doing well

“Fear,” “anger,” and “resignation” are the words most often heard from Greek lips about the present and future of the country.

MRB's trends paint a bleak picture, and worst of all, few Greeks are hoping for a “bright future”. The optimism index is very low, as only one in ten (10.8%) believes that things in the country are going “not bad””very well”. The percentage is the same as for Greece's economic situation. Only 9.6% consider it “good” or “very good.”


MRB trends in detail

1. Social, political and economic environment.

10.8%, as we mentioned above, believe that things are not going well in our country overall, and 9.6% believe that the economy is on the wrong track. 57.2% even believe that it will get worse. As for their personal financial situation, 50.2% say that it is “bad” or “very bad,” and 46.9% say that it will get even worse in the next 12 months. The most serious problems are: inflation, health care, unemployment, economic development, and education.

69.2% consider the government's image negative and 75.6% – SYRIZA.

As for the authorities' ability to govern the country, 29.1% say that ND does it best, 14.8% – SYRIZA and 10.9% – PASOK.


2. The image of a political leader.

When asked about the most suitable prime minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis received 28.3%, Stefanos Kasselakis 10.6% and Nikos Androulakis 7.3%. Overall assessment of leaders. 67.8% believe that Kyriakos Mitsotakis' actions are wrong, and 74.9% believe that his actions will not be right in the future on key issues. 44.3% ask for a more vigorous fight against inflation and speculation.

As for Stefanos Kasselakis, 76.2% disapprove of his actions.

Current PASOK leader Nikos Androulakis leads with 28%, against Haris Doukas with 27.1% for the party's leadership, followed by Pavlos Geroulanos with 19%.


3. Work/Security/Inflation.

Greeks do not see the job and safety indicators as entirely positive. 67.7% find it very difficult to meet basic personal/family needs, and 67.3% believe that the government is not adequately addressing rising prices with the measures it has taken.

As for trust in the authorities, 77.4% do not believe that the Kyriakos Mitsotakis government will be able to cope with this issue.

46.4% of those polled by Foreign Policy believe that a direct conflict with Turkey is possible, and 52.4% believe that the Greek government's attitude towards the issue of Turkish violations should be tougher.


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