September 21, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Taxi drivers will go on strike on February 27 and 28

On February 27 and 28 we will face another strike by taxi drivers. These days, taxi drivers will not go to work, but will gather at a rally and protest march that will head to the Ministry of Transport.

Taxi drivers during the 48-hour strike are demanding, among other things, a permanent VAT rate on taxi services at 13%, an end to the compulsory registration of new zero-emissions vehicles only from 2026, and free travel on bus lanes for busy taxis. In its statement, SATA calls on taxi drivers from all over Greece to “join us.”

A panhellenic strike of the panhellenic union of trade unions ΑΔΕΔΥ is scheduled for February 28th. As stated in the statement ΑΔΕΔΥthe main demands of the 24-hour strike are the return of the 13th and 14th salaries, as well as the staffing of the most important government institutions with permanent employees.

General Council Α.Δ.Ε.Δ.Υ. at its meeting on 2.2.2024 decided to declare a 24-hour nationwide strike on Wednesday, February 28, 2024.

“Their victories or our lives”: We are raising our voices to demand an end to policies that devalue workers’ lives, cut wages and rights, privatize services, reduce their effectiveness through understaffing and insufficient funding, and continue to hide the real culprits a year after the Tempe crime. We demand a life with rights, a job with a real 10% increase, not a mocking 1.5 euros a day, and significant measures to combat poverty.

Return the 13th and 14th salaries, cancel the solidarity contribution, count the work experience for two years 2016-17 when increasing the salary, increase and extend the allowance for dangerous and harmful work, increase the tax-free allowance to 12,000 euros. Staff all critical government agencies (health, education, social services, social security, etc.) with permanent employees and create all the necessary infrastructure.

The strike covers all public sector workers, regardless of their employment relationship. Everyone’s in the fight! Everyone goes on strike!”

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