September 16, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Thessaloniki: a criminal group committed robberies and thefts, enriching itself by 110,000 euros

The “boot” of a criminal group allegedly committing robberies and thefts in Thessaloniki is approaching 110 thousand euros. Three citizens (31, 36 and 39 years old) have been identified as its members, two of whom are already in prison.

According to police, they robbed, among other things, two businesses in VI.PE Sindou and a jewelry store in Kalamaria, and also entered customs facilities. Specific actions, according to the police investigation, were carried out in the first three months of 2021.

As previously reported by the Athens News, those arrested have, since at least December 2021, created a criminal group to break into houses in Thessaloniki in order to obtain illegal benefits from the property.

A total of five men were arrested in connection with the case. A criminal case has been initiated against them on the facts of organizing a criminal community, aggravated theft, robbery with the intent to commit robbery, money laundering, monitoring of the radio frequency spectrum – non-public transmissions and regulation of issues related to weapons, ammunition, explosives, explosive devices and other provisions .

The group’s modus operandi was to select “targets”, usually near farmers’ markets, where they took advantage of the absence of residents to enter apartments, always early in the morning, probably when residents were out shopping, and leaving no trace of forced entry.

To do this, it turns out, they found a way to videotape their potential victims using cell phones as they entered their homes, essentially recording the type of key and the location of the residence. In addition, they took counter-surveillance measures on objects, changed clothes before and after the robbery so as not to be noticed and not arouse suspicion, and immediately after the theft they fled the crime scene in a personal car.

Preparation for the “raids” on houses took place in a rented room, which they used as a workshop for copying keys, and there they practiced a practical technique for unlocking doors without leaving any traces of forced entry. Finally, they used their hideout as a place to hide stolen items.

To carry out the “work,” the criminals used five cars, one of which they bought with stolen money. In addition, a total of five cars were seized, which were used by members of the group to travel to places where illegal acts were committed, escape from them, and transport stolen items.

A total of five men were arrested in connection with the case. A criminal case has been initiated against them on the facts of organizing a criminal community, aggravated theft, robbery with the intent to commit robbery, money laundering, monitoring of the radio frequency spectrum – non-public transmissions and regulation of issues related to weapons, ammunition, explosives, explosive devices and other provisions .

The group’s modus operandi was to select “targets”, usually near farmers’ markets, where they took advantage of the absence of residents to enter apartments, always early in the morning, probably when residents were out shopping, and leaving no trace of forced entry.

To do this, it turns out, they found a way to videotape their potential victims using cell phones as they entered their homes, essentially recording the type of key and the location of the residence. In addition, they took counter-surveillance measures on objects, changed clothes before and after the robbery so as not to be noticed and not arouse suspicion, and immediately after the theft they fled the crime scene in a personal car.

Preparation for the “raids” on houses took place in a rented room, which they used as a workshop for copying keys, and there they practiced a practical technique for unlocking doors without leaving any traces of forced entry. Finally, they used their hideout as a place to hide stolen items.

To carry out the “work,” the criminals used five cars, one of which they bought with stolen money. In addition, a total of five cars were seized, which were used by members of the group to travel to places where illegal acts were committed, escape from them, and transport stolen items.

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