September 17, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Tragedy: six-month-old baby died, mother arrested

The tragedy happened in Imathia at about 14:00 on Tuesday. According to the testimony of people who were in the clinic, the grandfather and grandmother rushed to the medical facility in an insane state with a little boy, their daughter’s child, in their arms.

The baby had clearly been abused. From the moment he arrived at the hospital, he had no pulse, and he did not show any reaction to external stimuli. His mother, who was arrested, is suspected of his death. Doctors made superhuman efforts to resuscitate the baby, but in vain.

Psuspicions in the baby’s death fell on his mother, who had previously been hospitalized for mental illness and was arrested. The infant was at home with his mother and grandparents while his father was away. At some point, the grandparents realized that they could not hear the baby, who was a lively child. They entered the room and saw the lifeless body of their grandson. They picked him up and rushed to the hospital. However, it was already too late.

The grandparents said that their daughter has serious psychological problems and suffers from severe depression, and, according to information, she was hospitalized in a psychiatric clinic.

The 37-year-old woman, a resident of Makrokhori and mother of two other minor children, was arrested and detained at the Imathia police station. The police are investigating the exact circumstances of the incident.

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