May 21, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

What car brands do Greek taxi drivers choose?

From the beginning of the year to November, a total of 530 taxi cars were registered…

The profession of a taxi driver seems easy, but in practice, especially in large urban centers, it turns out to be quite difficult. Professionals in this field have to deal with many difficulties and even provide psychotherapy to clients who need it.

Every day they travel hundreds of kilometers and spend more than 8 hours behind the wheel. They drive on dangerous roads, encounter drivers who aren’t paying attention to them (or rather, looking at their cell phones), and even put their lives in danger by carrying harmful items. To cope with the harsh everyday life, they often commit crimes themselves, but it is impossible to avoid them, since our country lacks infrastructure.


It is logical that when purchasing a new model, they choose cars that do not get tired, but also do not cost a fortune when they need to be repaired. In Greece, the average age of a taxi is approaching 20 years, and each of us understands how dangerous it is for all of us, with millions of kilometers on our odometer.

13 car brands chosen by Greek taxi drivers

According to SEAA (Car Dealer Importers Association), taxi vehicle registrations reached 530 units from the beginning of the year to November.


There are 13 brands in total, but the only one that seems to be playing… alone is Skoda. Its share is 56.6%, which means 300 cars (out of 530 sold!).


Tesla in 4th place
In second place is Toyota with 139 units, in third place is Mercedes with 42 cars. Surprisingly, Tesla’s all-electric models are the fourth choice of professional taxi drivers, with 17 professionals already driving them.

Below you can see total and taxi-only sales by brand for the period January through November.

1 Skoda 300
2 Toyota 139
3 Mercedes 42
4 Tesla 17
5 Nissan 6
6 Peugeot 6
7 VW 5
8 KIA 4
9 Hyundai 4
10. SEAT 3
eleven. Fiat 2
12. BMW 1
13. Dacia 1

* Ιαν.Νοε. 2023

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