September 19, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Metropolitan of Piraeus: Phanar representatives indulge papal mania for power

Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus believes that with their visits to the Vatican, representatives of the Phanar honor the papal mania for power.

Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus of the Greek Orthodox Church believes that the exchange of delegations between the Phanar and the Vatican is a step towards a possible “union of churches”, the newspaper reports. “Vima Orthodoxy”

Metropolitan Seraphim, in his commentary on the presence of the Phanar delegation in Rome on the feast day of the Apostles Peter and Paul, celebrated in the new style on June 29, wrote that “the Vatican instituted the so-called“ patronal feast ”in order to reinforce the papal delusion that he – the successor of “the prince of the apostles Peter” and, therefore, “the first in the church” her “visible head” “.

According to the Greek hierarch, “the Vatican and Phanar are” dragging on “into” close relations “by exchanging visits of delegations.”

“Delegations of popes flock to Phanar, and corresponding Orthodox Christians flock to the Vatican. It is noteworthy that these visits are of great importance for the advancement of the ecumenical goal – “the union of churches,” “Vladyka said.

““ Important ”statements from both sides and, in general, boring and meaningless compliments are designed to cultivate in people the illusion that the conditions of“ union ”are ripe, that obstacles have been“ removed ”, that the“ intolerance ”of the past has been overcome by“ love ”, that finally , modern conditions require unity for the good of mankind! ”- emphasized Metropolitan Seraphim.

Vladyka believes that “a delegation of Orthodox Christians from the Ecumenical Patriarchate went to Rome to“ honor ”with their presence once again the papal mania for power. And worst of all: further advancement of the “union of churches.”

“We are very sad and alarmed by what is happening in the field of ecumenism. All we can say is that we need to be vigilant, because we expect very unpleasant events to come soon! ”- summed up Metropolitan Seraphim.

Like us wrote earlier, Metropolitan Emmanuel of Chalcedon, while in the Vatican, said that “the celebration of Easter on the same Sunday with the Catholics will be a message of martyrdom and reconciliation.”

In an interview Vatican News he emphasized that “the Orthodox Church“ with excitement ”awaits the outcome of the Synod of Bishops, which will be held in 2023 on the topic“ Towards the Synodal Church: Participation, Participation and Mission. ”The hierarch believes that the choice of this topic is the fruit of ecumenical relations: the latter documents of the international mixed commission for dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Churches are devoted to the relationship between conciliarity and primacy. A joint document adopted in Chieti states that in the first millennium “the Church in the East and in the West was united in preserving the apostolic faith, in the continuity of the apostolic succession bishops, in the development of structures of synodality, inextricably linked with primacy, and in the understanding of power as the ministry (diakonia) of love. Although the unity between East and West was sometimes broken, the bishops of the East and West realized that they belonged to the same Church. “

It is noteworthy that in this statement, the metropolitan automatically signed for all the Orthodox churches that this synod is supposedly thirsty for. Forgetting to mention the ROC, the UOC and other Orthodox churches, which have their own point of view on this action. Either this is megalomania, or something even sadder.

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