September 20, 2024

Athens News

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Why viruses attack the spine, and how to deal with it

Viral infections, including COVID-19, provoke pain in the back and neck – this aggravates diseases of the spine.

Experts say that coronavirus, flu and other viral infections always act as a catalyst for exacerbating spinal problems. Why is this happening?

Among the most common diseases of the spine are osteochondrosis, protrusion, herniated intervertebral discs. One of the reasons for their occurrence is the uneven pressure of a group of ligaments or muscles on the surface of the intervertebral disc. That is, the balance of the musculo-ligamentous component is disturbed. Further, there is a maceration of the nucleus pulposus, its enlargement and the subsequent formation of hernias and protrusions.

The speed of this process, its intensity depends on the autoimmune status of a person. Any viral infection accelerates inflammatory processes, including the nucleus pulposus. Through the blood stream, the endotoxins of the virus actively penetrate the ligaments and tendons of the intervertebral discs, causing an inflammatory process.

In addition, muscles and ligaments located in the spine, exhausted from age or a sedentary lifestyle, do not receive proper nutrition due to the effect of the virus on the blood vessels. The combination of these factors causes an exacerbation of osteochondrosis and other problems with the spine during the period of ARVI disease. Coronavirus and other viral infections act as a trigger mechanism in the development of all types of exacerbation of its degenerative-dystrophic diseases.

When back pain is added to the symptoms of a viral infection, the patient’s condition can hardly be called even satisfactory. To alleviate painful manifestations, experts recommend eliminating any physical activity, being at rest, taking antiviral and non-steroidal drugs. If the pain is unbearable or continues after the illness, the help of a specialized doctor is needed. The list of therapeutic measures includes drug therapy, physiotherapy procedures, hardware treatment. Comprehensive treatment allows you to achieve recovery and stable remission.

However, do not wait until the spinal problems are exacerbated by the effects of a viral infection. Does your back or neck hurt? Feeling uncomfortable? See a good specialist. Diagnosis and treatment of a patient with such symptoms is the prerogative of an osteopathic doctor who has deep knowledge of anatomy, physiology and other areas of medicine.

An experienced osteopath is able to accurately recognize various ailments by the shape and size of the organ, its location, density, and temperature. The pathology is detected by examination and palpation, and then the doctor chooses the most effective method in this case.

The impact of an osteopath can vary from subtle to tangible, depending on the task before him – to eliminate inflammation, ease muscle spasms, restore blood circulation and improve tissue nutrition. Do not be afraid – there are no painful techniques in osteopathy.

The main goal of osteopathic techniques is to stimulate the body to heal itself. This is achieved by activating its biological reserves, starting regeneration processes. The main therapeutic tool of osteopathy, as well as the diagnostic one, is the sensitive, “smart” hands of the doctor.

The choice of techniques and treatment methods, the number of sessions and their duration are always individual and depend on the patient’s condition, the characteristics of his health.

Osteopathic doctor Sergei Eleutheriadis.
Address: Aphroditis 11 Paleo Faliro.
Mob: 6979318267 viber.

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