September 20, 2024

Athens News

News in English from Greece

Israel’s military operation in Gaza will continue, Netanyahu says

The Israeli army’s operation against radical groups in the Gaza Strip will continue for at least several more days. This is what Benjamin Netanyahu, the country’s prime minister, said on May 18.

According to the Haaretz newspaper, the Israeli prime minister met with the mayors of the settlements adjacent to the Gaza Strip. Netanyahu said that even after the end of the operation, Israel’s reaction to missile launches from that side will be very tough. The Israel Defense Forces Twitter page states:

“Immediately after Israel reopened the Erez checkpoint from Israel to Gaza to allow humanitarian aid, a mortar shell was fired at the checkpoint from the Gaza side, wounding an IDF soldier.”

The military notes that Hamas’s priority is not humanitarian aid to residents, but rocket attacks on Israel. The Israeli army continues to strike at targets of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas. As a result, the target was the operational headquarters of the internal security service of the group in the north of the Gaza Strip, where military intelligence was based.

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